
Wednesday, June 22, 2011

why women are emotionally smarter than men

every one of us has seen a guy becoming "devdas" in love,but not many of us saw a girl going crazy in love for too long. . females are far better in "drawing the lines" so to speak.blame it on the work they routinely perform.
i always believed this at the back of my mind but a recent incident brought it into the open. last sunday i endeavoured to try my hand at cleaning my room owing to a one month long absence of my maid.i tried to be a perfectionist at first and ended up taking too much on myself. its like the half life thing every time you swipe the room with the wet cloth , the dust levels became half of previous value you cant just 'complete' it ,add to that marks i would leave by my foot.that moment i really admired my buaji's approach. she once made a room closed from years livable in an hour as she knew when to stop . hats off
i think girls are programmed to be like that from the starting. they are warned time and again not to get stuck with one thing,they are always taught to play safe ,while guys are encouraged to be daring.hence most girls would not say hi to a guy if she has the slightest doubt he may not reply back  or for that matter reply to a guys sms . they test the guys seriousness by ignoring.vaise to be fair to them the attitudeof our society has a lot to do with this . a girl ignoring a guy is a routine but the converse is a news. the extreme case of this when a guy rejects a girl her image takes a irreversible beating and only way to regain that is to change the workplace.


  1. We people say they are smarter b'coz we don't know the pain they always share their emotions with someone...but i find its harder and next to impossible for a girl to share their feelings with anyone...the problem is, the way of expression...a guy shouts: she did that to me...and the reply comes "it is always like that...n its normal"...but if a girl does that[shouts], society finds it disrespectful and looks in a different way...

    And Vipul, none of two are the same...girls too can be(are) devdasi(s) don't draw lines b'coz they know whatever happens nobody is going to blame them...

    It is what i feel...the need is to change the mentality of society.. :)

  2. @ utsav. bhai tu to feminist nikala ;)thanks for elaborating the 'mechanism' through which women are smarter . and i m glad i could invoke ur thoughts in the context :)
    one more things i haven't seen any devdasi myself ;)show me one. blame it on (over ) availabilty of options but i haven't really seen one .....atleast not for more than two days ;) they 'move on' before 48 hoours ;)

  3. there is another reason for women being smarter as they are more mature as compared to guy of same..gals are 2-3 years r ahead in maturity..also, guys focus more on giving answer to problem ( as per half life funda, it takes infinite time to solve!), whereas girls analyze the problem, solve it partially nd move on to next problem.

    p.s. 'problem' can be considered as opp. sex person too, without losing any sense of generality! ;)

  4. @ Vibs thanks man for adding your input.Very true there is a difference in approach of guys and girls. and that they are ahead by 2-3 years is 'naturally' true. I can't add more to that ;)


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