
Wednesday, June 22, 2011

the cynic in me

sometimes i waste lot of time in futile arguments. there is no use convincing people about anything. first they try their level best in not accepting anything outside their prejudice second even if they lose the argument ,all they take from there is that i  disproved them so next time whatever i say they will try to disprove me . no body in this world needs advices , everyone needs their prejudices to be reaffirmend or they just want to vent out their reasons to someone just to prove to themselves that they are being reasonable
everything good i do goes into the cache and anything bad goes into hard disk. stupid fuck. i have far more important things to worry about
for once vik was right . phone conversations actually worth nothing . 3 years of phone friendship is just one misconstruation away from falling apart . go to hell all of you


  1. all right.. we'll meet in hell ;-)
    But ur phone conversation stuff is practically true even from my point of view..

  2. @rahul sure man lets meet in hell;). and talking of phone calls , i think its a clear case of MBs of memory . size of video memories formed on meeting clearly outweigh the audio ones from phone calls :)

  3. love this line "3 years of phone friendship is just one misconstruation away from falling apart"

  4. @mrinal thanks :) mrigank :)ya it is.continuing the tone of passage, need is the truest form of friendship :)


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