
Sunday, April 20, 2014

Mathematical explanations of important things in life

I think few important things in life can be explained by mathematical concepts/equation
  1. y=mx+c
    • where m is intelligence
    • x is effort
    • c is what you are born with e.g. money, contacts, looks
    • thus a poor man need to have high m and x to catch up with someone born with c
  2. All relationships/ behaviors can be described by an ideal frequency of interaction
    • with friction on over meeting 
    • and formality on meeting less
    • thus
      • thus good looking faces look a good relationship potential but later you realize that its all rosy when u meet a person 2 hours a day when both are in best mood all dressed up but its altogether different when u have be to together ( including phone time and pre and post pondering time)
      • family is great because they never get to friction even with 24/7 interaction
      • u wont find people intolerable if u meet them once a week
  3. your responses/ adjustments decay exponentially, thus it becomes half each time but never zero
    • on every subsequent breakup pain becomes half ( it will never be zero) 
    • on every subsequent school change, tensions and troubles become half (they will never be zero) 
  4. to be continued/ optimized


  1. I think you get equally frustrated meeting particular kind of guy or that guy even if you meet him once a week also. Once a year may decrease frustration somewhat ;) The point is some people are inherently charming/caring that you dont get bored/develop friction easily and some characters you can't tolerate to be around even for couple of minutes between weeks. And the character type (others) is very much a function of your character type and your wish type. Even some intolerable person finds some tolerable company, that may even mean that the company may have found greater value in ignoring some (a lot in case of intolerable person) negative about the person instead of completely discarding that character. So two things came out: one what is intolerable to you and what is tolerable, second is what is valuable to you that you can tolerate that invaluable/intolerable characteristic.
    So the point no 2, ideal frequency of interaction, seems very illogical to me and that too for all relationships.

  2. Maths is difficult subject for me. I work in Towing Des Monies company. I have done but in this degree i create many supplies. Thanks for sharing. Keep posting.


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