
Saturday, September 10, 2011

Is love really spontaneous and all encompassing ?

Doesn't our liking stop (or at least mitigate) for a person on knowing she (or he) is married or committed? Isn't it socially ‘obvious’ not to like a married girl? So if we can stop the feeling surely we can Initiate or ‘feel’ out of will.

Can't love be induced in a person by continuously talking about his crush? Can’t facts be distorted by fun-seeking friends to make him believe its love?

Didn't we all blow our first crush out of proportions by disclosing it to a roommate or a close friend? The next time he would meet, he would tease us in that context and we would presume that nice and funny feeling to be love.

Now going from the extreme to the ridiculous (for some who are deep sunk in this feeling currently)

Isn't there something called Love-on-rebound which is always a non- zero factor while ‘moving on’ to our next. It essentially is over-hyping the trait we missed so dearly in our Ex. So we compromised on other factors because we couldn't help comparing every time we thought about the issue. If it’s so predictable then sure enough a cynic like me is allowed to say it’s ‘need-born’.

How many love stories start from favors, which in the heat of the moment are taken as signs of genuineness. Because we were in the frame of mind of falling in love that favors seem as love, sorry ‘True love’.

Isn't it predictable to guess the crush of a shy boy as the extrovert 'social attraction of the room' bubbly girl? Aren't our crushes an embodiment of traits most of which are copy of ours and rest what we picked from people we admire all the way till now?

Don't anti-love waves engross us if we get a Supplementary in exam or miss a selection or are left behind the one, we hate to be overtaken by? Worse still as somebody in a 'Motivational' Workshop suggested "All love stories end when the girl gets into an MDI and the boy misses a cut-off”. To take it one step further, he missed the sectional cut-off because he was so busy explaining his strong subject to her (and basking in that glory) that he didn't balance his preparation.

Aren't all break-ups triggered by a small misunderstanding and fueled  by the feeling “if you care less ,I care lesser “

It all boils down to this - It’s only because we undermine the role of circumstances in what we felt great (the all so heavenly Love), that reality hits us hard later. More often than not "U have changed" is not true, it’s just that the circumstances have become less favorable and thereof our patience and enthusiasm has dipped. It’s because we ignored the implicit feasibility that helped love to be what it was, that we blanketly overhyped it and thought it to be all encompassing and later expectedly, hate it blanketly. May be, it’s because we crave to say the sweet romantic things to somebody someday (because of all the Romantic movies we have watched) that we end up saying things we hardly mean. To be fair to us we were just following the social protocols, we can’t just say “I find you interesting , I want to know more about you “ when everyone else is saying “I like you “ at the same level of acquaintance .The other person (especially if happens to be a girl) would assume it be avoiding commitment from the very beginning or worse still ‘lack of guts’

P.S.  Never mind asking me ‘Has something happened?’ I am neither coming of a bad experience nor a loser in love, Thank you.


  1. A breakup is not necessarily because of a misunderstanding. Most of them are triggered by infidelity or different interests as well.

  2. nice read..
    relationships end only when the people involved are not ready let go off their ego. Rest of the causes are mere repercussions of the above.

  3. nice read .... keep up the good work

  4. i am just wondering what would be girls' take on this!

  5. Last para is more meaningful than rest of it. But its a nice one and i like it very much... oops no no i should say ... I found it interesting and i would like to be enlightened more upon it.. :)

  6. love is not biological phenomenon unlike a crush. Crush is nothing but resurgence of hormones that takes effect after seeing facially superior( as in characteristics ) opposite sex. Love is actually the embodiment of feelings that develop not spontaneously rather gradually over time.

  7. Nice ! "True Love" expression is extremely well placed. Absolutely loved it ;).

  8. @ mrinal Thanks for your input. but i think infidelity , different interests and misunderstandings are mutually dependent.
    there is always bit of one in the other two:)

  9. @ Zak . i agree Ego is one big factor . but then that's what make a reversible thing like love irreversible.its when you have said you like something (or someone )publicly , you are more likely to stand by it than otherwise

  10. @ Vibs why wonder ? i am more interested in your opinion :)

  11. @ Vivek never bother about SHOULD, just say what you like ;)

  12. @ ravs . Well said .but was "heavy" just what my blog is criticized for being ;)

  13. @ rahul :) that's what i am. logically whimsical..

  14. @Nihilist aka Nishant .Glad u liked it :)

  15. Really .... "reality hits us hard later"....!!!


Guys comments need not necessarily be well thought-of ,intellectually heavy or your theory in the context :). one liners like "well said" ,"had fun reading " ,"i don't agree" or even "i expected better" are heartily welcome:)