
Sunday, April 20, 2014

Mathematical explanations of important things in life

I think few important things in life can be explained by mathematical concepts/equation
  1. y=mx+c
    • where m is intelligence
    • x is effort
    • c is what you are born with e.g. money, contacts, looks
    • thus a poor man need to have high m and x to catch up with someone born with c
  2. All relationships/ behaviors can be described by an ideal frequency of interaction
    • with friction on over meeting 
    • and formality on meeting less
    • thus
      • thus good looking faces look a good relationship potential but later you realize that its all rosy when u meet a person 2 hours a day when both are in best mood all dressed up but its altogether different when u have be to together ( including phone time and pre and post pondering time)
      • family is great because they never get to friction even with 24/7 interaction
      • u wont find people intolerable if u meet them once a week
  3. your responses/ adjustments decay exponentially, thus it becomes half each time but never zero
    • on every subsequent breakup pain becomes half ( it will never be zero) 
    • on every subsequent school change, tensions and troubles become half (they will never be zero) 
  4. to be continued/ optimized